3 Vol_1964_8_2


Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Volume 8 - Number 2 April - 1964




Welcome Address : M. L. Gupta ...1

Inaugural Address : Brig. N. D. P. Karani ...3

Cold Acclimatization : Lt. Col. K. K. Gupta ...7

Drugs in prevention and treatment of frost-bite : M. L. Kapur and R. B. Arora ...15

Respiratory changes at high altitude : R. L. Riley ...26

Pulmonary ventilation of man at altitude : S. Lahiri ...31

Neurophysiological problems at high altitudes : B. K. Anand ..40

Load carriage: Physical efficiency: Vitamin E Surg : Lt. Cdr. H. S. Nayar ...49

Caloric cost of the different activities of a group of soldiers at high altitude and at Delhi : S. D. Nishith, R. M. Rai, T. R. A. Davis, H. S. Nayar, K. C. Sinha K. K. Gupta and N. D. P. Karani ...53

Control of acute mountain sickness : F/Lt. P. S. Subba ...59